9.) Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany – $283,608
Angela Merkel is the leader of Europe’s largest economy. She pulls in an annual salary of $283,608. Many will say she deserve the salary, she is an original architect of the 28-member European Union.

10.) Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa – $272,000
The President of the Republic of South Africa is the head of state and head of government under the Constitution of South of South Africa. Jacob Zuma is the current President of South Africa. His annual salary is $272,280. He earns around 26 times more than the average citizen of the country. He is currently the highest-earning president in Africa.
11) Giorgio Napolitano, President of Italy – $270,000
Giorgio Napolitano has been the President of Italy since May 15 2006. His annual income is €230,000. A senior shorthand writer in the parliament earns up to €270,000 per year. The annual bill for operating the lower house of the Italian parliament costs as much as those of nations like Germany and Britain.
12.) Francois Hollande, President of France – $230,000
President of France, François Hollande has a salary of $230,000. The president’s gross salary, which more than doubled under Mr Sarkozy, took a cut to €14,910 a month from €21,300.
David Cameron of the UK gets around 235,000 a year, if you add his MP salary as well it equates to around 250,000. Any particular reason he’s been left off the list?
check number 13,
Number 13 is
Cameron at 215,000
The former president of Kenya is not Raila Odinga, this makes me doubt the entire article.
I can’t believe the average American makes over 50,000 dollars a year! That’s outrageous!
why so??