The 10 Richest Countries in Africa. Africa is one of the largest continents in the world and the home to 54 sovereign states. Although regarded as the poorest continent, there are some progressing economies in Africa which are quite wealthy.
This list reflects the GDP per capita. This is the gross domestic product, or total market value of goods and services produced by the national economy during the last year, in regards to each person in the country.
Here’s the top 10 richest african countries ranked by GDP per capita:
10) Algeria – $7,500 (GDP per capita)
Algeria is the second largest oil producer in Africa, and this accounts for the majority of the country’s economy generating 70% of total budget receipts. In addition to this the country has an enormous supply in a number of minerals, including iron, lead, copper, zinc and mercury.
9) Namibia – $8,200 (GDP per capita)
Whilst Namibia is one of the richest countries in Africa income is not evenly distributed with half of the country’s population living below the poverty line. The economy is dominated by the production of minerals with Namibia being one of the richest places in Africa for strategic minerals. This is shown by their position as one of the world’s highest quality producers of diamonds.
non sense. and Nigeria? Egypt? DR Congo?
AGREED, NON SENSE. Has anyone been to Botswana, and the other presumed “richest countries”? I live in Seychelles, and it is by far one of the least developed countries in the world, in spite of its GDP and its amazing tourism and safety record. Perhaps they need to also add the national debt besides these countries and see how they match up as well.
seycheles e um pais de renda media mais e rustico mesmo assim e um dos paises mais calmos da africa e com minimo de pessoas na pobreza e tanto que daqui a 10 ou 20 anos será desenvolvido, tem uma população pequena e junto com a mauricia serão os mais desnvolvidos alem da mauricia ter uma otima qualidade de vida supera a botswana 1000 vezes em questão de qualidade de vida assim mauricia, seycheles, cabo verde, e tunisia são os unicos que tem boa qualoidade de vida assim como os 2 primeiros serão desenvolvidos realmente
what??? Ethiopia?????