Top 20 least developed countries
As we open our minds, we notice that there is a whole world to be discovered and places to be seen. Unfortunately, some of these countries hit rock-bottom in the last few years, and have shown to be unable to sustain themselves economically. It is sad to say that there are nations that have a majority of their citizens that can’t afford the morning paper nor a bottle of water. This list will focus on the 20 least developed countries in the world based on their Human Development Index (HDI), a composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. In detail, these categories are: life expectancy, otherwise the average period that a person may expect to live in years; expected years of schooling, which is the time that children spend learning before receiving higher-level education. The higher the better; Gross National Income (GNI) per capita in the currency of PPP$, which is composed by the total domestic and foreign output claimed by residents of a country, consisting of gross domestic product (GDP) plus factor incomes earned by foreign residents, minus income earned in the domestic economy by nonresidents; and GNI per capita minus HDI rank. This data was recollected in the last census that took place in the year 2014. There are a total of 188 countries on the list because the rest of them are missing data (such as North Korea). Here is the list of the least developed countries in the world 2016.
#20 – South Sudan: On the top of the list we have South Sudan ranking 188th, which counts with a Human Development Index value of 0.467. The life expectancy is 55.7 years, 7.6 years of schooling and 2,332 PPP$ of GNI per capita. It’s GNI per capita minus Human Development Index r
ank is -9.
#19 – Senegal: The next entry on this list is the African country of Senegal. The Human Development Index score is 0.466. This score is given due to its life expectancy of 66.5 years, 7.9 expected years of schooling, 2,188 PPP$ Gross National Income per capita, and the GNI per capita rank minus HDI rank of -8.
#18 – Afghanistan: The third entry is awarded to Afghanistan, with a 0.465 HDI rating. The average life expectancy is 60.4 years of age and the average schooling years rake up to 9.3 of them even though the majority of students study for 3 years of their life. The GNI in PPP$ is 1,885.
#17 – Côte d’Ivoire: The next entry goes to Côte d’Ivoire with a 0.462 HDI score. The avera
ge life expectancy, believe it or not, is 51.5 years. To put this into perspective, the maximum life expectancy is found in Hong Kong, China with 84 years expectancy. The schooling years that are supposed to be implemented are 8.9 but students only study for 4.3 years.
#16 – Malawi: In place 16 goes Malawi, another African country with an HDI scor
e of 0.445 and a life expectancy of 62.8 years. Students are supposed to study 10.8 years in school but only study for 4.3 years of their lives. Their GNI in PPP$ goes as low as 747.
#15 – Ethiopia: Hitting number 15 on the list, Ethiopia. Many expected this country to be lower on the list, but compared to the rest, Ethiopia isn’t the poorest nor the least developed nation. Its HDI scores at 0.442 with a life expectancy of 64.1. Students only manage to stay 2.4 years in school and then set off to do labor work. Ethiopia’s GNI in PPP$ is astonishingly 1,428, higher that it’s higher contenders.
#14 – Gambia: Gambia, yet another African country on the list is ranked #14 on one of the least developed countries in the world with an HDI score of 0.441 and a life expectancy of 64.1 years of age. Students go to school for only 2.8 ye
ars and the GNI per capita in PPP$ is 1,501.
#13 – Congo (Democratic Republic of the): The African Democratic Republic of the Congo hits the 13th spot with an HDI score of 0.433 and a life expectancy of 58.7 years. This country, although students go to school for 6 years, has a very poor education system that doesn’t properly structure its alumni. Congo’s GNI per capita is a low 680 PPP$.
#12 – Liberia: Yet another country from the African continent, Liberia. It’s HDI score is 0.430 and the life expectancy is 60.9 years of age. Students attend school for an average of 4.1 years, explaining its very low development. The GNI per capita is 805 PPP$.
#11 – Guinea-Bissau: The African country on the west coast, Guinea-Bissau, is the 11th least developed country on the world with and HDI score of 0.420 and a low life expectancy of 55.2 years. Pupils attend school for a grand total of 2.8 years, affecting the GNI per capita of 1,362 PPP$.
On the next page you will see which country is the least developed in the world.
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