6) King Mswati III – Net Worth: $100 Million
Country: Swaziland, Years in Power: 28
Mswati III is the King of Swaziland. He was the 15th richest royal in the world, according to Forbes Magazine. He is worth an estimated $100 million; down $100 million of his 2012 ($200 million) fortune. The King has often been criticized for his lavish spending. In 2009 summer, several of his 13 wives reportedly spent over $6 million in a shopping spree. In the 2014 budget, parliament allocated $61 million for the King’s annual household budget, while 63 percent of Swazis live on less than $1.25 per day. His luxury car collection include a $500,000 Daimler Chrysler’s flagship Maybach 62. And has banned the photography of his cars.

5) Paul Biya – Net Worth: $200 Million
Country: Cameroon, Years in Power: 31
Paul Biya has been the President of Cameroon since November 6 1982. His estimated net worth is around $200 million; this figure was published by the ForeignPolicy.com. Around 48 percent of the citizens of Cameroon live below the poverty line. Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development (CCFD) and several on-and-offline media has placed him in the list of leaders with ill-gotten wealth. In 2009, French online newspaper, Rue 89, reported the Cameroon President’s vacation was the top most expensive among world leaders. More than that of the American President. He was criticized for spending 30,000 euros ($40,000) per day on renting a villa.

Robert Mugabe is the President of Mugabe? am sure you wanted to write Robert Mugabe is the President of Zimbabwe….correct that. otherwise, i read ur article
Thanks Guyson…
its an obvious case he meant “Presidemt of Zimbabwe”dnt act lyk a slow learner unless otherwise
47 nations with leaders who have been ruling for over a decade…That’s excluding countries like Kenya!!
African is not poor but poorly managed!
Anyone noticed the trend? All, except President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria, have been in power for more than 10 years. Any guess how they acquired their wealth?
Kenyatta acquired his through nepotism and Goodluck through stealing.
nonesense!! I am a kenyan, and i am certain that kenyatta acquired his wealth legally, through handwork. Do not comment things you are not sure about…
Really? Prove it or S T F U
I can’t speak for Kenyatta, but am sure Goodluck is one of the most corrupt leaders in the world.. References to the missing $20billion; the $7 (#1000) that was taxed many Nigerian immigrations job seekers, of which most lost their lives, yet the money hasn’t been refunded them; The oil subsidy scam collaborations, running into billions of dollars; The currently boiling $15million illegal arms deal in South Africa, with funds released by the president from his private pockets, of which the finance minister, Mrs Ngozi Iweala, has denied allegations that she approved such funds. The list continues.
Goodluck jonathan.nigerian president dose not steal, is not a corrupt man . honestly. The problem is that he is surrounded by his corrupt kingsmen and staff, whom unfortunately he trust so much & no will power to clear them out of his way…..sanusi lamido sanusi
If Mugabe has ruled for 26 years and has 10 million dollars whilst his counterparts who have ruled for 34 years have over $20 billion, shouldn’t that ring a bell that maybe he does not belong on this list… logically speaking that is…
Logically speaking, if he is the 9th richest African President, he does belong on this list, even if his networth was $100. It’s a list about how much money they are worth, not how much corruption etc. If he was number 10 then yea, he wouldn’t belong on a top 9.
If Mugabe has ruled for 26 years and has 10 million dollars whilst his
counterparts who have ruled for 34 years have over $20 billion,
shouldn’t that ring a bell that maybe he is undervalued…Logically speaking that is…
lol Vernon that is true, my president Paul Biya is the most loved person in Cameroon, we do not wash our clean linens in public.
How much should an African leader be worth?
Is there still any hope of redemption left for Africa and Africans?? A very sad scenario and gloomy future. Hmmmn.
Sounds like you work for the administration.
No he doesn’t work for the administration, it looks like you work for some interest group. Could the writer please provide us with facts on how they worked out net worth or they just assumed… this is a country country, the president must be rich?
Thanks, James. Honestly, I can’t believe how pathetic a rebuttal from Frank White that was. I have clearly relayed my views back to him.
If criticising a poorly-written piece of work makes me part of the administration, then so be it. Seriously, re-read the article, my comments, and yours and realise what a pathetic rebuttal you made. But then again, nothing much can be expected from a one-liner such as yours. Cheap shots!
I guess you come from one of the class of neo-colonialists (who don’t even realise they are) that still thinks it’s okay to make flippant, disparaging remarks about Africa because chances are, there are many just like you out there who will take on board your comments without question – After all, there are many ‘bad things’ to say about Africa, right?
Yet, if you stepped out of your bubble for a second you’d realise the irony of your worldview – how corruption on the African continent is intrinsically tied to the Western world. Last I checked, stolen money in Africa doesn’t remain in African banks. It easily makes its way to Western capitals thanks to willing facilitators in the name of bankers, accountants and lawyers. Yet, Westerners like you want to “preach” to “sordid Africans” how corrupt they are.
Do us all a favour the next time you decide you want to get on your high-horse and ask your own government to “begin charity at home”!
You missed to list the mulitbillionaire President of DR Congo “Joseph Kabila” with real name Hyppolite Kanambe Kazemberembe (born on 4th June 1971 of a Rwandan
father on the name of Christopher KANAMBE and a Rwandan mother named Marcelline
MUKAMBUKUJE) . Sorry, this list and web-side is most doubtful and ask myself why spreading lies or false information and what is the intention ?
Where did you get your figures from? Or this another junk magazine trying to become relevant? Provide us with facts and how you come about the figures quoted here.
You guys obviously did not have any facts backing your adding Goodluck Jonathan on that list. How are we sure all the others on this list are not just figments of your imaginations? Your website just went all the way down to tabloid level with this. How are you now different from plagiarist gossip blogs?
Ha ha ha, welcome to africa! That’s how tribalism works people… As long as the chief is fat, with many wives it doesn’t matter that the people starve! TIA…. nothing anybody can do about it. And you just see how many of these commentator get upset by this article. Hit a nerve me thinks. Also make you wonder how many of these commentators live in Africa?
I can’t speak for any other leader on this list. But being a Nigerian, I can hardly fault this publication except where it mentioned that our dear President Goodluck Jonathan is worth just $100million. Permit me to say that this is an insult to his personality!! Ordinary $100million dollars? Let ,me inform you that my president’s Petroleum minister, spent more than $100million, on her private jet travels, in a space of 4yrs. Even when the senate tried probing him, thye case was struck out, on the grounds that the money is mere peanuts. Do you know the worth of David mark, our Senate president? You are just insulting these people, and am not happy with this..
Next time, this paper should do her research extensively before rushing to publish reports that will undervalue anyone’s net worth.. Read up publications on presidential corruption in Nigeria—-References to the missing $20billion; the
$7 (#1000) that was taxed many Nigerian immigrations job seekers, of
which most lost their lives, yet the money hasn’t been refunded them;
The oil subsidy scam collaborations, running into billions of dollars;
The currently boiling $15million illegal arms deal in South Africa, with
funds released by the president from his private pockets, of which the
finance minister, Mrs Ngozi Iweala, has denied allegations that she
approved such funds.— The list continues.
At the moment, my president has threatened to sue this paper for undervaluing him, and I understand his provocation. I understand that this was why this site hurriedly removed his name from this publication. Am backing him to go ahead and sue this paper, as this will definitely serve a deterrence to all those in the habit of undervaluing others
Well said. Jonathan is a thief
Just like your good for nothing father, if you ever know him.
No, he is not a thief! He is your President so Respect that fact.
LOL. My President is Barack Obama. I worked in Nigeria during the Babangida and Abacha regime. I have very good and close friends who are Nigerian, I love and respect the country, people and culture. But lets not be naive, I might be oyinbo but I’m not stupid. Jonathan and most of his admin are crooks.
Nigeria is NOT a poor country, just poorly managed.
Checkout https://saharareporters.com/2014/10/14/sue-me-jonathan-youre-worth-120-million-dollars-least-rudolf-ogoo-okonkwo
I can’t speak for any other leader on this list. But being a
Nigerian, I can hardly fault this publication except where it mentioned
that our dear President Goodluck Jonathan is worth just $100million.
Permit me to say that this is an insult to his personality!! Ordinary
$100million dollars? Let ,me inform you that my president’s Petroleum
minister (Mrs Deziani), spent more than $100million, on her private jet
travels, in a space of 4yrs. Even when the senate tried probing her, the
case was struck out, on the grounds that the money is mere peanuts. Do
you know the worth of David mark, our Senate president? You are just
insulting these people, and am not happy with this..
Next time,
this paper should do her research extensively before rushing to publish
reports that will undervalue anyone’s net worth.. Read up publications
on presidential corruption in Nigeria—-References to the missing
$20billion; the
$7 (#1000) that was taxed many Nigerian immigrations job seekers, of
which most lost their lives, yet the money hasn’t been refunded them;
The oil subsidy scam collaborations, running into billions of dollars;
The currently boiling $15million illegal arms deal in South Africa, with
funds released by the president from his private pockets, of which the
finance minister, Mrs Ngozi Iweala, has denied allegations that she
approved such funds.— The list continues.
the moment, my president has threatened to sue this paper for
undervaluing him, and I understand his provocation. I understand that
this was why this site hurriedly removed his name from this publication.
Am backing him to go ahead and sue this paper, as this will definitely
serve a deterrence to all those in the habit of undervaluing others
shut up, you lack insight.
Well they have tried to compile some informations at least for a start but what is left now is the Backup and Facts that covers the information, though we should be working on something of such nature here https://www.360.com.ng by giving a detailed information backed up with facts and references.
And where is Kabila ? when Forbes said in 2014 that Kabila have estimated amount of 15 billions and he does not appear on your list? not serious
But the money is not residing in their countries, wake up people, it takes 2 to tangle. Our major problem in Africa is the western world. They use all forms of proxies to hide these ill gotten funds and use it to better their lot. Its sad that theses leaders can’t see beyond their greed,
“While around 70 percent of Angolans live on less than two dollars a day.”
Fake . 27% is the true number
It is no coincidence that all but two of the countries governed by these leaders rank in the “low human development” category of the Human Development Index table, 2014, and the two countries that rank as “medium human development” rank in the bottom third of all countries.