Wearable technology was a hot topic for discussion in 2014. Curious to know what would be the scene like in 2015? Year 2015 will definitely not disappoint you. Many really cool smartwatches are in the pipeline!
These smartwatches are stylish and sophisticated! You will love them around your wrist! Here are the top 10 most expensive smartwatches of 2015.
10) Sony SmartWatch 3 Steel ($300)
Sony SmartWatch 3 is a premium gadget. It is a full-spec Android Wear smartwatch. It comes with 1.6 inch square color screen. The display lights up when you raise your arm or tap on the screen. It has built-in GPS.
9) Neptune Pine ($335)
Neptune Pine is the first standalone, full-featured smartwatch. It enables you to make calls, text, surf the web and much more on the Android platform. It is gaining attention due to its intuitive design.
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