Happy Plugs is a well-known name in the mobile accessory industry. The company is committed to making headphones a fashion accessory. Today Happy Plugs is a lifestyle fashion brand. It has many happy customers.
Happy Plugs if offering golden ear phones. Priced at $14,500, Happy Plugs Deluxe Edition is a fresh take on jewelry. These haute couture ear phones are handmade 18-carat gold designs.
These ear phones are handmade by a Swedish goldsmith in Old Town, Stockholm. The noble metal is molded into the shape of the Happy Plugs ear phones and 25 g of gold are used for each pair of earphones.
These amazing ear phones come with a built-in microphone that facilitates hands-free calling. They also have a remote for talk and music control.
If you are tempted and have the money, go ahead and get one for yourself! If you can’t afford, don’t worry! You can always pick up a regular stylish Happy Plugs ear buds for around $25.
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