Rooney and Kate Mara
Twin actresses Rooney and Kate Mara were born into rich families on both their mom and dad’s sides. The twin’s father’s family is the one responsible for the founding of the New York Giants and their mother’s family founded the Pittsburgh Steelers. To this day both families continue to run their respective football teams.
Adam Levine
Adam Levine is a singer and a songwriter. Adam Levine was also born into wealth. While Levine has achieved fame as front-man of Maroon 5 and as a judge on The Voice, he could have taken a different turn and followed in his father’s footsteps. Levine has always been recognised as a fashionable and stylish man and this should be no surprise as his father, Fred, is the founder of Los Angeles clothing retailer M. Fredric.
Adam attended a private school from kindergarten through twelfth grade where the tuition was $30,000 per year. His parents divorced when he was seven. While growing up, he spent weekdays with his mother and weekends with his father. Both his parents were rich.

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